Hi. My name is Daniel Wolleb-Graf.

In 2019, I joined Apple to work on Maps.

Before that, I finished my PhD studies in computer science in the group of Prof. Dr. Peter Widmayer at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. I really like graphs, especially directed and dynamic ones. All algorithms and data structures are interesting to me, and I also enjoy teaching and playing with computer graphics.

Between my Bachelor and Master studies at ETH Zurich, I spent a semester abroad at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Contact me
Use the contact form linked above or send me an email:
📬 mail@dwolleb.ch

🖼 Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


  • Digraph Reachability Algorithms
    Doctoral Thesis📙 Thesis, 📊 Slides
    supervised by Peter Widmayer (D-INFK, ETH Zurich, 2018)
  • Scheduling and Sorting Algorithms for Robotic Warehousing Systems
    Master Thesis📘 Thesis, 📊 Slides, 🌍 Website
    supervised by Katherina Böhmová and Peter Widmayer (D-INFK, ETH Zurich, 2015)
  • Mobile Image Retargeting
    Bachelor Thesis📕 Thesis, 📊 Slides, 🌍 Website
    supervised by Daniele Panozzo and Olga Sorkine-Hornung (D-INFK, ETH Zurich, 2013)
  • Jassen auf Basis der Spieltheorie
    Matura Thesis📗 Thesis, 📊 Slides, 🌍 Website
    supervised by Josef Vogt (Kantonsschule Sargans, 2009)


Recent Talks:

During my years at ETH Zurich, I got the opportunity to act as a teaching assistant for several great courses.

🎓 Teaching Assistant

I am looking forward to hearing from you.